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Getting Started
To get started all you really need to do is create at least one "client". Most operations [creating Quotes, Jobs, viewing costs etc] start by selecting a client first.
The default JobTrack Client, Job, and Quote databases are setup to be suitable from most businesses, however you may at some time want to customise these for your own particular requirements. Once you are familiar with JobTrack's basics you can . .
- Customise Client database fields.
- Customise Jobs database fields.
- Customise Quotes database fields.
- Setup Users.
- Setup Operation and inventory items and costs.
The Basics
JobTrack is a client and job management system where the flow/progress of each quote/job normally follows the following steps [not all the steps are necessary for all quotes or jobs] . .
- Create client(s).
- Select a Client and create a Quote or Job.
For Quotes
- Issue Estimate/Quote requests to third party suppliers who might be required.
- Estimate and record costs against the Quote.
- Prepare / print / email a quotation letter to the client.
For Jobs
- Select a Client and create a Job,
or select a quote or previous job and convert it to a Job. - Issue Estimate/Quote requests to third party suppliers who might be required.
- Record costs against the Job.
Once the Job is complete
- If desired, print out costs sheets showing all the costs recorded against a job.
- Review the cost sheets and decide a suitable price to invoice the job at.
- Invoice each completed job.
- Print / email invoices. The invoice total is added to the client account.
Throughout a month
- Record/Post any payments received from clients to their account.
At the end of a Month
- Print client account statements.
- Print monthly sales summary.
- If desired, record monthly sales summary in MYOB, QuickBooks etc.